04 January 2006

From Hillside to Seashore

Hello from the Funky Cafe, where we've turned off the heat while the school is on vacation. It really isn't that bad, after spending the weekend in the snow 8 degrees C feels nice and refreshing. Plus I'm wearing a scarf and jacket.

A quick phone call from Omral and a crammed taxi ride later we're hanging around the offices in Beshitash waiting for something. It's an overcast day, but really pleasant and not raining. I'm just playing around with dashboard widgets and other little goodies in 10.4 while I wait. (Did you know holding shift while opening or closing the dashboard makes it load/close in slow motion?) I don't think we'll be going back to the school after this, but maybe we'll get that paint for redoing the Funky Cafe.

Don't forget the Red Elvises show on the thirteenth of January in San Fransico: Cafe Du Nord, 2170 Market Street (415) 861-5016 Sadly the show is 21 and up, so get those fake IDs ready kiddos.

Have a good week, enjoy your Wednesday.


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