Slow Day at Work, Perfect Time for Playing with Gadgets.
On my way up to the school several cats along the sidewalk ran up to me for petting, I think they're beginning to recognize me. Some fast plans have been made for this weekend, instead of laying around doing very little in my pajamas, I have been invited to go ski outside of Istanbul. So this will be my first trip outside the city, kinda funny to think I haven't left one metropolis area for a month. Though I suppose I might have done that in Davis a few times this last year. It looks like we're going to put in a real espresso machine at the cafe so we'll all be good and peppy when school comes back into session. Now for some pictures from work, Gokcha took these with her phone then we got the phone to sync up with my computer. That part was really cool, now I'm considering getting a fancy phone that will wirelessly sync with this computer... but I'm not sure what I would transfer between them.

This is me of corse.

And this is Gokcha, she's a sweety.
This evening, unless I get some unexpected phone calls I think I'll just lay around on the couch and do very little, play games, read a book. I've been so busy going out to dinners for the last week!
The students are taking exams today and tomorrow, the cafe has been pretty empty and from what I hear Turkish students skip class and don't pay attention until right before the exams, then try hard to pass them. This doesn't sound too different from the United States, so I guess some things never change. The teachers are lamenting this as the average grade at this school is well below passing.
Uh oh, I just heard there will be a reception at this school satrting in three hours. Will I get away, or be caught until the late hours? We can only hope.

This is me of corse.

And this is Gokcha, she's a sweety.
This evening, unless I get some unexpected phone calls I think I'll just lay around on the couch and do very little, play games, read a book. I've been so busy going out to dinners for the last week!
The students are taking exams today and tomorrow, the cafe has been pretty empty and from what I hear Turkish students skip class and don't pay attention until right before the exams, then try hard to pass them. This doesn't sound too different from the United States, so I guess some things never change. The teachers are lamenting this as the average grade at this school is well below passing.
Uh oh, I just heard there will be a reception at this school satrting in three hours. Will I get away, or be caught until the late hours? We can only hope.
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