Because Cats Are Easy To Take Pictures Of
Walking home today I was very pleased to see my ill-tempered friend. Except today he actually walked up to me and seemed pleased to see me. Probably because of the cat treats I was holding, but I can pretend. I knelt down to pet him and he kept hoping up to put his paws on my knee.

Gokcha at work loves my cat photos and had me send some to her email while we were at work. How we communicate at work is amazing, from outside we just gibber at each-other in a Turkish/English hybrid mixed with lots of hand gestures and facial expressions. As I walked away from the kitty he started to follow me, it was really too adorable. He's no Oberon, but it's nice having a neat cat in my day again.

I'm heading to bed now, the plan is to wake up early and hit Sultanamet with camera in hand. I just wish there was a cheeper way of getting there than by Taxi.

Gokcha at work loves my cat photos and had me send some to her email while we were at work. How we communicate at work is amazing, from outside we just gibber at each-other in a Turkish/English hybrid mixed with lots of hand gestures and facial expressions. As I walked away from the kitty he started to follow me, it was really too adorable. He's no Oberon, but it's nice having a neat cat in my day again.

I'm heading to bed now, the plan is to wake up early and hit Sultanamet with camera in hand. I just wish there was a cheeper way of getting there than by Taxi.
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