Karena, Cassandra, I found you a new Toothpaste
Like the title implies, Karena and Cassandra, I found you a new brand of toothpaste.

Okay, it's not toothpaste, it's Nutella in a toothpaste looking tube. I haven't tried it yet, but I saw someone buy four of them. At one Lira a pop they're a steal, and will give your teeth a nice hazelnut freshness.
On the way up to work I saw my fluffy, ill-tempered friend on his usual perch, staring out over the city. He accepted some petting, I didn't get a picture because I was running a bit late. The hill I walk up is unbelievable, but it's getting a bit easier each day.
I mixed up my dates, the Piano reception and shmoozing won't take place until Monday, but the late late night party is still tonight. A few people have come up to me to check to see if I'm still going. So it looks like I'm pretty well locked into this one. The plan is to go home, sleep for four hours then go to the party, sleep for an hour or so afterwards then just go through my day. Work is good, the food is slightly above standard cafeteria level, but I'm not a gourmet. It's free. The kitchen staff is always very excited to practice their English with me, I just wish I knew a bit more Turkish so I could untangle what they say and help them improve. But that's why I'm here for nine months instead of two weeks, eh?
I think I'm still going to old Constantinople tomorrow afternoon. I'm dying to get inside Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. The people at work are really adorable, the day is winding down, and since it's a friday afternoon the students don't seem to be sticking around as much. The Funky Cafe is nearly empty so Apau, Gorcha, and I are just hanging out around the till and try to talk about things. The dictionary we keep behind the counter sees a lot of use when we are trying to describe things. Apau was trying to tell me the singer who's song we were listening to on the radio was killed recently. By the time I understood the song had finished.

Here's Apau sitting behind the counter.
While I'm out here I think I'm going to go visit Egypt. I have to leave the country every three months to renew my Visa, so I might as well take a little trip. If I could swing it for 600 YTL (Yeni Türk Lira, New Turkish Lira, old Turkish Lira would be 600,000,000. This year they made the transition) then things would be just peachy. Infact I wonder if I can get it as a business expense with these guys... Probably not, most I'd get is a bus ride to the Greek border, the funny thing with renewing Visas in Turkey is you have to physically leave the country one day, and re enter it the next day. So what people often do, is go to a town on the border in the evening, drive across at 23:50, have a drink, and then come back across a little after midnight. It may sound ridiculous, but it seems to work well enough.
Cellphone Use: Calls: 1 Texts: 1 I'm not using the damn thing!

Okay, it's not toothpaste, it's Nutella in a toothpaste looking tube. I haven't tried it yet, but I saw someone buy four of them. At one Lira a pop they're a steal, and will give your teeth a nice hazelnut freshness.
On the way up to work I saw my fluffy, ill-tempered friend on his usual perch, staring out over the city. He accepted some petting, I didn't get a picture because I was running a bit late. The hill I walk up is unbelievable, but it's getting a bit easier each day.
I mixed up my dates, the Piano reception and shmoozing won't take place until Monday, but the late late night party is still tonight. A few people have come up to me to check to see if I'm still going. So it looks like I'm pretty well locked into this one. The plan is to go home, sleep for four hours then go to the party, sleep for an hour or so afterwards then just go through my day. Work is good, the food is slightly above standard cafeteria level, but I'm not a gourmet. It's free. The kitchen staff is always very excited to practice their English with me, I just wish I knew a bit more Turkish so I could untangle what they say and help them improve. But that's why I'm here for nine months instead of two weeks, eh?
I think I'm still going to old Constantinople tomorrow afternoon. I'm dying to get inside Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. The people at work are really adorable, the day is winding down, and since it's a friday afternoon the students don't seem to be sticking around as much. The Funky Cafe is nearly empty so Apau, Gorcha, and I are just hanging out around the till and try to talk about things. The dictionary we keep behind the counter sees a lot of use when we are trying to describe things. Apau was trying to tell me the singer who's song we were listening to on the radio was killed recently. By the time I understood the song had finished.

Here's Apau sitting behind the counter.
While I'm out here I think I'm going to go visit Egypt. I have to leave the country every three months to renew my Visa, so I might as well take a little trip. If I could swing it for 600 YTL (Yeni Türk Lira, New Turkish Lira, old Turkish Lira would be 600,000,000. This year they made the transition) then things would be just peachy. Infact I wonder if I can get it as a business expense with these guys... Probably not, most I'd get is a bus ride to the Greek border, the funny thing with renewing Visas in Turkey is you have to physically leave the country one day, and re enter it the next day. So what people often do, is go to a town on the border in the evening, drive across at 23:50, have a drink, and then come back across a little after midnight. It may sound ridiculous, but it seems to work well enough.
Cellphone Use: Calls: 1 Texts: 1 I'm not using the damn thing!
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