17 March 2006

Saint Patrick's Day, Where's the Irish Cream Coffeemate?

Happy St. Pat's from Turkey, land of Nescafe. There is a distinct lack of Irish influence in the Republic of Turkey, in fact the only people in Istanbul wearing green on purpose might be Jess and Elsa. Yes, I forgot that today was St. Patrick's Day. But I'm not Irish, so keep your kisses to yourself!
Coincidentally today also happens to be a minor holiday at the school. Instead of the usual thousand or so students, only two hundred have to attend today. The result is having a lot of nothing to do. I spoke at length with a student who will be going April first to Washington D.C. As an international relations major the trip should be quite an experience for him. He was telling me that one day he hoped to be a journalist and travel to many countries, experiencing their different cultures. More power to him, everyone wish him luck.
Istanbul has grown cold again, not the bitter freeze and driving winds of the last two months, but enough to make spring still feel a ways down the road. Ceylin was telling me that this time of year is usually marked by perfect weather, pleasant and mild. This week has kept under 10 degrees centigrade (50 Fahrenheit) instead of the promised 20 degrees. (68) Combine that with rain and we're all happy to be working indoors, at least for the next few weeks before things turn really nice.


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