07 April 2006

Wrapping Up The First Week Of April

Here we are, it's Friday and the first work week of April is coming to a close. Jackets came off this week and the summer styles are beginning to show. The ladies of uKnow are waiting anxiously to take leads from the locals as to restrictions on spring fashion. Because my day is spent in air conditioning and I walk around the city only in the early morning and evening I'm still wearing sweaters. Though in another week or two I'm sure they will be stifling.

Because it's a Friday the school seems half-empty, more students skipping or leaving as soon as they can justify it to their parents. The school year in Turkey is constructed differently than in America. Different holidays are observed by the majority of the population but also, while the school year in America starts out with a long block of continuous instruction then breaks into smaller periods interspersed with breaks before finally letting out for summer, the Turkish school year does just the opposite. The breaks all come at the beginning of the year and after winter break (which comes in January instead of December) instruction is continuous until school breaks in June.


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