10 April 2006

Monday Afternoon, Kicking it in Funky Cafe

Good afternoon from the country where if you call someone a "peach" you might get hit. Every morning small bread treats called poğça (Poe-cha) are brought from a local bakery. These are either plain (sade) or filled with little bits of olives, or spicy potato, olives, or cheese. The owner of the bakery sometimes makes the deliveries. I always enjoy seeing him, not only does he speak English perfectly but as a result of living in Brooklyn for 10 years or so, he speaks in rapid fire with a very heavy accent. It's like having back a bit of off-the-textbook America; after months of being at a school of people wondering what America must be like I've begun to forget.
The weather has cleared up just in time for me to spend a week indoors, but with the weekend's rain and more showers predicted we are in for a lush summer. Today the students are holding a Play Station 2 tournament in the cafe. I'm sure video games are popular among youth everywhere there is electricity.


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