03 May 2006

Me Alex. Me like Turkey.

I realized walking home the other day that I've been in Turkey for over five months now. It's become very normal for me, I haven't seen a Del Taco in nearly half a year and no nervous breakdowns have resulted. When I was in the club 'Numb' I had a brief encounter with another American, from Indiana, he had recently arrived in Istanbul and was still coping with the shock of how things worked. He was 23, recently finished higher education in restaurant management and seemed enthusiastic about the possibilities ahead of him in Turkey. I never caught his name, or gave him mine.
There is something funny about being in an expatriate community as large as Istanbul's. People become much more involved in their conversations with each other, as speaking English casually and freely with someone outside an immediate circle of friends is something of which many people here do not have the luxury.
Fortunately great mother internet has provided me with a rich bounty of communication in my first language and I haven't regressed into Conan the Barbarian speak.

And now, Cats!


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