Wake Up with Alex
Today is another exciting multi-media day! To get you ready for the weekend and various holy days here is the call to prayer. This is what it sounds like to wake up early with me and open the window. My window faces a large concrete embankment and the calls to prayer ricochet up and down between it and my building, amplifying them much louder than can be heard on the street in front of the apartment. The embankment is overgrown with ivy which can be heard rustling in the wind. You can also hear a dog howling at the prayer call and Thomas coming over to visit. Despite the occasional passing delivery truck, Mecidiyeköy is very quiet in the early hours.

Click the Mosque to listen!
Here is an old movie clip I took in the rain. It's from early December when I was just beginning to explore my neighborhood. It's also during the call to prayer, double the fun!

And what post would be complete without a cute kitty!

Besides being a fun multimedia day, today is Cuma (Joo-mah) and that means more students than usual skip class and those that stay are more inclined to go someplace else when their classes finish, leaving Funky cafe nearly deserted. Jess and Elsa are also gone, taking with them a pack of students to let loose in the United States. This leaves Abdulselam, or Apo for short, as my only conversation partner. How far can a person's language skills regress from lack of practice? We shall see.

Click the Mosque to listen!
Here is an old movie clip I took in the rain. It's from early December when I was just beginning to explore my neighborhood. It's also during the call to prayer, double the fun!

And what post would be complete without a cute kitty!

Besides being a fun multimedia day, today is Cuma (Joo-mah) and that means more students than usual skip class and those that stay are more inclined to go someplace else when their classes finish, leaving Funky cafe nearly deserted. Jess and Elsa are also gone, taking with them a pack of students to let loose in the United States. This leaves Abdulselam, or Apo for short, as my only conversation partner. How far can a person's language skills regress from lack of practice? We shall see.
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