How to Catch a Cat / We're in Video Now!
Simply put a bowl of food out on your nice warm radiator and leave the window open. Endless hours of enjoyment!

As hinted at in the title I have begun uploading videos thanks to the wonderful people at Our Media. Now you will hear and feel life in the original cosmopolitan city like never before. Or just watch videos of cats...

Here we are at the Castle in Girne, warm Mediterranean winds on a quiet Sunday morning, couldn't be better.

And while I'm blasting you with new media experiences, here is a panorama shot of the harbor beneath the castle in Girne. I messed up setting the tripod so the horizon on right side of the picture begins to curve, but you get the idea.

Expect more soon!
(I'm having a little problem getting the full-sized harbor picture up. Blogger cuts things off at 1024 pixles wide. I'll remove this note when I fix it.)

As hinted at in the title I have begun uploading videos thanks to the wonderful people at Our Media. Now you will hear and feel life in the original cosmopolitan city like never before. Or just watch videos of cats...

Here we are at the Castle in Girne, warm Mediterranean winds on a quiet Sunday morning, couldn't be better.

And while I'm blasting you with new media experiences, here is a panorama shot of the harbor beneath the castle in Girne. I messed up setting the tripod so the horizon on right side of the picture begins to curve, but you get the idea.

Expect more soon!
(I'm having a little problem getting the full-sized harbor picture up. Blogger cuts things off at 1024 pixles wide. I'll remove this note when I fix it.)
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