08 February 2006

Snow Day: Day Two

Another day of snow has cancelled school again. Yesterday I used the snow day to stroll around Mecidiyeköy and do some shopping. I think people are beginning to believe I can speak Turkish but I'm just mentally handicapped. This is of course better than being considered a tourist. It's amazing how much wool is used here, but I suppose it's more plentiful in Turkey than cotton. Most of the sweaters you see in stores are at least 50% wool, warm and comfy.

Today I'm enjoying the early afternoon in the Mayks Cafe where there is free WiFi, listening to Turkish pop and drinking *gasp* real coffee. Now this is a vacation!

Here are some overdue pictures from the last few days, the Church is in Taksim just stuck back among stores and down a back street where the Belgian embassy also is located. There is another more prominent church in Taksim that is the largest Catholic church in Istanbul. (and maybe Turkey too)

Here we have the Beshitash campus of Bacheshehir seen across the street, on the first day of the most recent snow storm.

And buildings in Mecidiyeköy, colorful walls and snowy roofs.


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