Back at the Funky Cafe
The weekend was pleasantly uneventful, and now Cafe Funky is open for business again! A whole week went buy, but everyone's back into the routine like they never left. Hasan took advantage of the impromptu vacation to visit family in the South of Turkey. Gokcha looks like she went shopping or perhaps she and her younger sister swapped wardrobes again. The students seem to have forgotten everything ever taught to them, but that's to be expected. So I'm back, sipping my Nescafe and speaking as much English as I can, as fast as I can.
The weather is supposed to make a dramatic recovery this coming week, perhaps even giving the illusion of spring. This morning it was still below freezing and the walk up was filled with many unexpected slips. And now, a picture.

This is one of the many high rises under construction around my neck of Istanbul. I thought the light looked so pretty on the concrete with the whisps of clouds behind it.
The weather is supposed to make a dramatic recovery this coming week, perhaps even giving the illusion of spring. This morning it was still below freezing and the walk up was filled with many unexpected slips. And now, a picture.

This is one of the many high rises under construction around my neck of Istanbul. I thought the light looked so pretty on the concrete with the whisps of clouds behind it.
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