Wherever You Go the Sky is Blue.
Istanbul has taken the week off, and now that the weekend is a breath away the sun shows itself. With the melting snow came Ozan, Alsi's boyfriend who studies international relations in Ankara. Traffic had finally cleared enough to allow the busses to run and after he recovered from his overnight journey the three of us went out to eat. Asli's sensitive palate demanded Burger King, but after picking up a Whopper for her we turned the corner and went to the small restaurant we had gone to with Makena and Eric. Our kabobs were cooked over coals on an old grill made of hammered copper and after wards we sipped on nescafe because the restaurant was fresh out of tea.

We walked home in the setting sun and now we're staying warm around the apartment, listening to music and joking.

We walked home in the setting sun and now we're staying warm around the apartment, listening to music and joking.
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